I’m Anne Garber, a realtor & real estate broker. Since 2014, I’ve helped my clients buy and sell more than 275 homes, throughout Hillsborough, Pasco, Pinellas & Hernando Counties. I’m aware of current trends in market values, new developments, local schools, neighborhoods, communities, and all other aspects of home ownership that are relevant to your home purchase or sale.
I’ve sold all kinds of homes in every price range: single-family homes, condos, townhomes, million-dollar+ properties, and everything in between. I’m old-school in that customer service is important to me – I answer my phone, I will return your call, and I will follow up and update you in a timely manner.
I’m originally from a small town in England, and have been living here in Tampa since 2005, with my husband and our 3 children. As a mom, I’ve been through elementary, middle, and high-school with my kids. So I’m very familiar with the school systems, malls, entertainment, and so on.
And by the way, “Yes,” that is a very large number of transactions (which can be verified on the MLS). Especially when you consider the average realtor only sells somewhere between 2 and 8 homes a year. And yes, this puts me on some “Top Realtor Performance” lists. But frankly, that kind of stuff isn’t important to me.
When it comes to real estate, what’s important to me is helping clients sell and buy their homes without any stress. I know, from my own personal experience… there are so many moving parts to this process, it’s almost impossible for a homeowner to manage them all, while still going about running your own day-to-day life, on top of this.
I look at my role as being your “quarterback,” who oversees everything and coordinates all these moving parts into one smooth working plan. I’m incredibly well-organized, which helps me manage things… I keep my eye on the ball… and I’m always looking a few steps ahead.
I don’t like 11th hour emergencies either, so I tend to plan well, and anticipate things. After all, buying and selling your home, and moving… is stressful enough. When you add to this, the large amount of time, money, and physical energy also involved… who needs more stress, right?
Not you and not me.
With this in mind, I’d encourage you to download any of my Free Homeowner reports, including:
For Home Sellers:
The 7 Biggest Mistakes Homeowners Make When Hiring A Realtor
Inside this Special Report, you’ll discover:
- The 7 Most important characteristics a good agent must have (starting on page 6)…
- How to avoid making a long-term commitment to an agent you can’t get out of! Learn how to completely avoid getting stuck with an agent who’s incompetent… doesn’t provide you with good service… or simply doesn’t care very much about selling your home – for whatever reason…
- The 4 absolute dead-wrong reasons to hire a realtor! Make sure you read through this carefully, because 99% of all sellers wind up hiring a bad realtor for one of these 4 reasons…
Plus, loads more important “insiders information” that most realtors would never let you know about.
If you want to sell your home, or if you think you’ll be getting ready to sell your home soon, this Free Report will make the selling process, and therefore your life and your family’s lives, a LOT less stressful
So Click Here to download The 7 Biggest Mistakes Homeowners Make When Hiring A Realtor
And for Home Buyers:
Inside this Special Report, you’ll discover:
- How to avoid overpaying for a home…
- How to avoid buying the wrong home in the first place (it happens more often than you’re thinking)…
- How to avoid losing your dream home…
- How to make sure you can qualify to finance the home you’re thinking about putting an offer on…
- A critical mistake homeowners make when trying to figure out what a home is worth…
- How to keep a long-term perspective on the impact of your decision…
- How to avoid choosing the wrong realtor when trying to figure out who should help you buy your home…
And loads more information to make you home purchase much less stressful, and far more productive…
So Click Here to download The 21 Most Critical and Costly Mistakes Buyers Make When Shopping For a Home or Trading Up To A Larger Home
As far as my background goes, before becoming a realtor, I spent close to a dozen years raising my children and working part time handling all the bookkeeping and customer service of my husband’s business.
Before that, I was the VP of Operations of a National Service Company. I had 110 people reporting to me and was responsible for setting up local offices all over the country.

Once my daughter was born, I stopped working full time and began working with my husband. It was great, because I was working out of the house, which allowed me to also be a full-time mom.
As my daughter got older and into her teenage years, I wanted to go back to work again. Since I spent so many years in the service business I wanted to work in that field. And because I love the Tampa Bay area, real estate just made sense.
I took my real estate licensing exam, passed my test… and started working – really hard. And because I have a “get things done” mentality, and a strong work ethic… things sort of fell into place.
I love what I do. I work hard and clients like me, and they like that I’m able to work efficiently, while making sure there are no loose ends.
The bottom line is, I just enjoy the process of helping clients buy and sell their homes.
After 3 years in the business, I wanted to truly run my own business, so I studied for, and passed the Real Estate Broker’s license.
Oh, one more thing you need to know about me – and this is important:
I’m not pushy, at all… so you’ll never have to deal with any kind of
“sales junk” or anything else like that, when you’re working with me
If we meet and you want to work with me, great. And if not, that’s fine too. I want to help people buy and sell real estate, period. And I want to work with those people who are excited and feel good about working with me on this.
With that in mind, let me know how I can help you. There are 3 ways you can contact me:
- Complete the Contact form, here…
- email me directly at anne@WestFloridaRealEstate.com
- Or call me at 813-527-1404
Thank you for reading this and I’m looking forward to helping you.

Anne Garber
P.S. Also, make sure you check out my two, Zero-Risk Homeowner Guarantees. This makes dealing with me a no-brainer for most home owners:
My No Risk Seller’s Guarantee, and my Buyer’s and Seller’s “No Rubbish” Guarantee make me uniquely different, in a world where one realtor is basically no different from another.
Lastly, as you know… what others have to say about someone means a lot more than what they have to say about themselves. With this in mind, make sure you take a look at what some of my clients have to say about working with me.